Whole Food Whole Life

There seems to be little concern for what people are eating and putting on their skin, much less all the chemicals that are allowed in literally thousands of products used daily! I am hopeful that this blog will help inform people of some wiser health choices in the midst of the declining health in our country. I am interested in nutrition, and "greener" living and hope to help others as I continue to learn.Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy a fuller life today the whole food way!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Fruits & Vegetables Losing Nutritional Value

It is getting even more difficult to maintain a healthy, well balanced diet. "data collected by the U.S. government show that the nutritional content of America's vegetables and fruits has declined during the past 50 years.

All the more reason to supplement your diet with raw fruits and vegetables from a reputable and researched group like JuicePlus+!

"In spite of what Mother taught you about the benefits of eating broccoli, data collected by the U.S. government show that the nutritional content of America's vegetables and fruits has declined during the past 50 years -- in some cases dramatically."

"Donald Davis, a biochemist at the University of Texas, said that of 13 major nutrients in fruits and vegetables tracked by the Agriculture Department from 1950 to 1999, six showed noticeable declines -- protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C."
Evidently this is something that has been known since 1981 and there doesn't seem to be much concern. And - GMO seems to be of more importance - must make more money faster ... who cares about health ... they mention the "Green Revolution" or "the trend in agriculture toward encouraging crops that grow the fastest and biggest as a reason for the decline" - seems to have a double entendre - those sneaky bastards ;)

BUT - wait - "his study shows that people need to eat more vegetables and fruits, not less" sooo, don't stop eating those fresh fruits and veggies (or grains) - just try to buy from a local or organic source - even your animal products - if you chose to eat them (grass fed cattle and free range eggs/chickens).

"For vegans only using plant sources for food, this could be an issue," so make sure you KNOW what you are eating and where it has come from! Seattle Pi News source"

read more | digg story


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